David Rigell & Associates , P.A. – West Palm Beach, Florida
David Rigell, Esquire
The first person to highly recommend Paul to me as a mediator was a claimant attorney who had used Paul on two prior occasions with great success. The same has proven true each time I have used Paul. I was impressed by his very professional, low key yet very creative and pro-active approach to conflict resolution. In one case, his tenacity and creativity kept the ball rolling towards settlement when the parties had all but given up. I strongly recommend Paul as a welcome addition to the ranks of accomplished and highly effective private mediators.
Scott J. Sternberg & Associates, P.A. – West Palm Beach, Florida
Scott Sternberg, Esquire
I have had the pleasure of using Paul Westcott as a mediator on several occasions. I am impressed with his ability to relate to my clients and establish a rapport that not only puts the client at ease but also educates them as to the law of workers’ compensation and how their facts apply to this law. He creates an environment that makes the decision making process easier. He is very impartial while helping the parties assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case. He was successful in doing that while protecting the attorney client relationship. Paul’s knowledge, experience and temperament bring a lot to the table and I strongly recommend him.
Law Offices of Jason S. Robbins, P.A. – Merritt Island, Florida
Jason S. Robbins Esquire
I was thrilled to hear that Paul had started to mediate for several reasons. First and foremost, his knowledge of the law and his years of defense experience bring something to the table that most do not. He is compassionate and trustworthy with my clients and brings a sense of calm to a room in an otherwise tense situation, when Claimant’s are making decisions about their case. I have recommended Paul to the defense attorneys on the other side of my cases when we are looking for someone that can bring all his experience to the table The second reason I am glad he is mediating, is that my client’s no longer have to have that quality attorney on the other side of the case any longer. Paul is flexible in his scheduling and easily adapts to the situations as they arise in the litigation process, as well as, his agreement to travel for the parties to their location. I am available for more insight or discussion.
Reich & Mancini, P.A
Andrew Reich, Esquire
I have known Paul for over 20 years. I have witnessed him practicing in the field of workers’ compensation, an area in which he is an expert. He also has superior knowledge in other areas of the law. Beyond his superior knowledge, Paul is highly ethical, honest and trustworthy. Since leaving private practice, he has mediated several cases in which I have been involved. He has shown to be very impartial, but at the same time, very effective at explaining complex legal issues to my clients in such a way that they understood them and more importantly, understood the potential risks associated with their claims. He has also shown the ability to use creativity to help the parties solve what appeared to be impossible differences and reach a fair compromise. My clients have left mediations feeling like Paul patiently listened to their concerns and expressed them to the opposing side. I will continue to use Paul as mediator on my cases.
Matheson, Horowitz & Devonmille – Vero Beach, Florida
Michael K. Horowitz, Esquire
I have had the pleasure of knowing Paul Westcott for more than 20 years. We have litigated hundreds of cases against each other, with several cases litigated through trial, and even appeal. As an opponent, Paul is the single most tenacious defense lawyer I have ever worked with. There were no stones unturned in discovery, and every defense possible is considered and vetted. However, Paul always handled himself with me in the utmost ethical and professional manner. Although he often frustrated my efforts, Paul was never deceiving in his work. He just made it difficult due to his hard work in defending the claim.
When I found out that Paul had decided to mediate cases, I never hesitated in my decision that I would use him. I knew Paul’s demeanor would be effective in making my client’s feel comfortable. More so, his excellent knowledge of the law provides insight in mediation to the defense perspective that can make my client better understand the carrier’s position.
I have now had the opportunity to mediate several cases with Paul, and my initial assessment was accurate. Although his past life is as a defense lawyer, I find that Paul has immediately shifted his demeanor to an impartial mediator. Paul has done an exceptional job for me in bridging the gap between the parties position’s and I believe I have settled every case he has mediated thus far. Paul does not approach mediation as a defense attorney at all, but provides tremendous understanding into the carrier’s perspective. At the same time, I feel like Paul does an excellent job in understanding my client, which must be very beneficial when he is meeting with the carrier as well.
I highly recommend consideration of Paul Westcott as a mediator.
Millennium Settlements – Orlando, Florida
Jennifer Cantrell, CSSC
Recently, I had the pleasure to be involved in the negotiations of a large worker’s compensation case where Paul Westcott served as mediator. Mr. Westcott played an integral role in the settlement of the almost 20 year old case through his extensive knowledge of the practice area and his ability to put the claimant at ease. I am a settlement consultant who strictly works with plaintiffs of personal injury and claimants of workers’ compensation and I would recommend Mr. Westcott as a mediator who will be neutral throughout the process and will have compassion for the injured party.
Celeste Law Firm, PA – West Palm Beach, Florida
Mike Celeste, Esquire
I wanted to commend Paul Westcott who served as mediator in a tragic workers compensation case where my client, a 20 year old cowboy from Okeechobee, was paralyzed from the waist down when his horse unexpectedly reared and fell back on him onto the ground severing his spinal cord at L 4-5. Thankfully, the ranch where the accident happened had WC coverage.
Of course, there were many complications in prosecuting such a claim in terms of providing for my client's future needs. In that regard, Mr. Westcott was quite imaginative in the things that my client might need in his old age let alone the immediate future and strongly urged the carrier to think of these things in its evaluation.
The family, all of whom were at mediation, including my client's grandfather and father, all cowboys, were crushed by this tragic event. Although mostly stoic as is the cowboy tradition, Mr. Westcott wisely spoke to the claimant's mother about her son's future needs and how we wouldn’t stop until the insurance company met nearly all of those needs financially. That communication strategy was extremely important towards successful resolution of the case.
Mr. Westcott and our structure expert were very creative in structuring this deal including permanent disability, the medicare covered and non-medicare covered items, as well as, significant cash to purchase a wheelchair ready home and vehicle for the boy.
After 8 hours, the case settled-the next day.
On behalf of my client and his family, we would like to thank Mr. Westcott for his superlative work. I can enthusiastically recommend him as a mediator in any workers' compensation file.
Mike Celeste, Board Certified Workers' Compensation Attorney, West Palm Beach, Fl.
The Bleakley Bavol Law Firm – Tampa, Florida
Robert J. Grace, Jr. Esquire
Paul is simply one of the best mediators in central Florida. He is able to quickly understand the important issues in even the most technically complex case and communicates well with the parties. I would give an unqualified recommendation on Paul to any lawyer looking for a mediator.
Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A. – Fort Myers, Florida
Micheal E. McCabe, Esquire
I would highly recommend Paul Westcott as a Private Mediator. As a defense Attorney, I often find myself in need of a strong opinion from a mediator who understands Employer/Carrier issues that should not (but often do) impede settlement. I find that in many circumstances a Private Mediator without a defense attorney or litigation background has a hard time communicating with my clients. They fail to understand the need to get past irrelevant issues that often sidetrack negotiations, and they fail to know that my clients often need to hear and appreciate “tough facts” that they may be ignoring. At the same time, I often speak with Claimants’ attorneys who report that they need a mediator who can explain why the Employer/Carrier is refusing to concede a particular issue.
Having used Paul as Mediator, I find that his ability to apply his experience and knowledge as a highly successful prior defense attorney, while remaining a Neutral arbitrator, assists both parties in coming to a resolution. Our clients often incur substantial time and expense preparing for and attending long Private Mediations with the goal of settling a claim. I think that using a Mediator with Paul’s experience and abilities will help you to achieve that goal.